Three cleantech firms backed by Ludgate

Growth capital investor Ludgate Environmental Fund has backed Tamar, Micropelt and Ignis Biomass in its latest round of cleantech deals.

Ludgate Environmental Fund has made three new investments in biomass, anaerobic digestion and waste heat recovery.

The European cleantech investor has made a £7 million commitment to anaerobic digestion through the backing of Tamar Energy.

According to Ludgate, the new growth capital will be used to fund the development and construction of food and mixed waste anaerobic digestion plants to produce renewable energy.

In February, London-headquartered Tamar announced that supermarket chain Sainsbury’s has become an investor and ‘strategic’ partner.

Ludgate has also provided £4.1 million of growth funds to German waste heat recovery business Micropelt. The firm is participating alongside Mitsubishi UJF Capital in the funding round, which totals £5.3 million.

The third investment has been made in Ignis Biomass, a new £3.1 million equity and convertible loan transaction that is set to allow for the construction of a biomass energy plant in Scotland.

John Shakeshaft, chairman of the Ludgate Environmental Fund, comments, ‘We are pleased to make these three investments in high growth industrial cleantech companies.

‘These deals represent diverse investment in critically important resource efficiency supporting sustainable economic growth.’

Launched in August 2007, Ludgate Environmental Fund invests in a portfolio of late stage emerging companies in the European cleantech sector. It has assets under management of approximately £49 million as at March 2012.

Hunter Ruthven

Hunter Ruthven

Hunter was the Editor for from 2012 to 2014, before moving on to Caspian Media Ltd to be Editor of Real Business.

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